The Human Resource Management Professional (HRMP®) is a global, competency-based credential that is designed to validate professional-level core HR knowledge and skills. The credential demonstrates mastery of generally accepted HR principles in strategy, policy development and service delivery. Independent of geographic region, the credential complements local HR practices. Through demonstrated knowledge, the credential enhances the credibility of HR professionals and the organizations they serve. All Certifications are valid for three years. Recertification is required every three years through demonstrated professional development or retaking the exam. Earn 60 recertification credit hours, of which 15 credit hours are in Business Management and Strategy OR retake exam. 
  • HRCI
    The Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR®) is a global, competency-based credential that is designed to validate the skills and knowledge of an HR professional who operates in a global marketplace. The credential demonstrates the mastery of cross-border HR responsibilities to include strategies of globalization, development of HR policies and initiatives that support organizational global growth and employer retention and creation of organizational programs, processes and tools that achieve worldwide business goals. All Certifications are valid for three years. Recertification is required every three years through demonstrated professional development (preferred method) or retaking the exam. Earn 60 recertification credit hours, of which 15 credit hours are in International HR OR retake exam. 
  • 社團法人中華人力資源管理協會
    基礎人力資源管理師是國內目前梯次數最多、開班最廣、傳承歷史最悠久、唯一且最具系統化的人力資源管理師養成課程,透過具豐富實務經驗且熱情的專業講師團,深入淺出地引領學員循序漸進學習與交流各項主題,過程中並輔以精闢個案探討與擬真實作演練,藉此帶領學員有效提昇本身人資專業知能,並加速培養出能承接未來在人資領域中更具挑戰性任務的實力。   整體課程架構,將從「策略性人力資源管理架構」談起,先帶領學員建立對策略性人力資源管理的整體概念,並打通各項人資功能定位上的任督二脈後,接著以「工作分析」為基礎,逐步、詳實且系統化地介紹各項人力資源管理之「選、訓、用、留」的基本概念及實務,諸如:「人才招募、遴選與任用」、「績效管理與訓練發展」、「薪酬管理與員工福利」、「員工關係與留才管理」等主題。整體系列課程前後呼應、兼具理論介紹、觀念導正與實務分享,使學員對人力資源管理有完整且正確的認識,不僅有助於未來朝向其他人資專業進一步學習上做好準備外,亦能使自己在人資職涯發展上有更清楚的方向及計畫,還在猶豫? 趕快來點選報名吧! 
  • 中華人事主管協會
  • 中華人事主管協會
  • 所有課程
  • 台北市
  • 其他