Module 1:Agile Introduction(敏捷介紹)-第1天
1. 傳統專案管理方法vs敏捷專案管理方法
● 為什麼需要敏捷?
● 瀑布式管理 vs 敏捷式管理
● 認識敏捷的起源和未來
● 專案生命週期介紹
2. PMI-ACP認證考試介紹
3. Domain(1): Agile Principles and Mindset (敏捷原則與思維)
● 敏捷宣言、12個原則、實務
4. 敏捷方法論:Scrum、eXtreme Programming、Lean、Kanban
5. 敏捷式方法的假設條件:敏捷領導力、企業文化、適用產業、專案特質、敏捷團隊、成員屬性、敏捷框架、工作場所
6. 考題演練與解答
Module 2:Value-Driven Delivery(價值驅動) -第2天
1. 重新認識價值
2. 價值評估(PV/NPV/IRR/ROI)
3. 客戶導向的價值優先排序
4. 規劃價值
● 成功從選擇開始(ROI/Cost/Risk)
● Agile charter
● Agile Contract
● Product backlog prioritization (Innovation game)
5. 演練(1): Project Vision BOX(s) & Elevator Statement
6. 演練(2): user story workshop
7. 演練(3): prioritization/ product road map
8. 執行價值
● MMF/ MVP/ Value stream mapping/ The seven wastes of Lean Software Development
● WIP Limit/ CFD/ Spikes
9. 監控價值
● Feedback Techniques for Product/ Usability Test/ Review Meeting
10. 考題演練與解答
Module 3:Adaptive Planning(適應式規劃)-第3天
1. Traditional plan vs Adaptive plan
2. Multiple Levels of Planning
3. Planning Onion
4. 演練(4) : story mapping
5. Agile Estimating (Story point, idea time, Velocity, schedule, cost)
6. Estimation Techniques
7. 演練(5) : Estimate Relative sizing / Story points/ velocity/ Wideband Delphi/ Planning Poker / Affinity estimating/ T-shirt Sizing
8. 考題演練與解答
Module 4:Stakeholder Engagement(利害關係人分析與參與)-第3天
1. Understand Stakeholder Needs
2. Ensure Stakeholder Involvement
3. Manage Stakeholders Expectation what are Stakeholders?
4. Identify stakeholders(辨識利害關係人)
5. Stakeholder Analysis (權力–利益分析圖)
6. Stakeholders management strategy(利害關係人管理策略)
7. Group decision making
8. Conflict resolution
9. 考題演練與解答
Module 5:Team Performance(團隊績效)-第4天
1. 演練(5): Lead by vs self-organization
2. Team Formation and development (團隊形成與發展)
3. Team Empowerment (企業組織賦予團隊更大的授權與活化)
4. Team Collaboration and Commitment (團隊協同合作與承諾)
5. Osmotic communication
6. Tacit knowledge
7. 演練(6): Task board/Burndown chart
8. 考題演練與解答
Module 6:Problem Detection and Resolution (問題偵測與解決)-第4天
1. Identify and Surface problems and impediments and risks
2. Solve them at the appropriate time
3. Reset Expectation in light of issues that can not be resolved
4. Maintain a visible,monitored,prioritized list of issues and threats to make project transparent to owner
5. Incorporating activities into backlog of work for solving issues and threats
6. 考題演練與解答
Module 7:Continuous Improvement (持續改善)-第4天
1. Kaizen(改善)
● Kaizen is part action plan and part philosophy.
2. Process Improvement(流程改善)
● Iteration retrospective meeting, tailoring process, process analysis, apply new process, Hybrid Models, introspective, pre-mortem
3. 演練(7): retrospective meeting (gather data and generate insight)
4. People Improvement(人的素質改善)
● Knowledge sharing
5. Product Improvement(產品改善)
● Daily standup meeting/Iteration reviewing meeting(demo product)
6. 考題演練與解答
Module 8:總複習-第5天
1. Apply PMI-ACP process and填寫履歷資訊,並提供範例檔案參考
2. Agile Process & Tool & R&R Review
3. 7個domain重點整理
4. 模考題演練與講解
5. 學員心得分享